
Is Project Management a Good Job for Me? AI Interviews a Project Manager inspiration Aug 30, 2024

Inspired by two different real people I've talked with in the last few weeks who think a project management career might be on their horizon, I asked a fake person (the chatbot to pretend to be in this situation and to interview me, an 8-year veteran in...

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Project Management is a "People Engineering" Job inspiration philosophy Aug 09, 2024

In high school I spent some time exploring engineering as a career field. I had a very logical brain and I enjoyed solving puzzles and problems with a fair amount of detail and technicality. I went to a few engineering camps at a local college to get a better understanding of what the role might...

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Good Decisions Can Have Poor Outcomes inspiration philosophy Jul 26, 2024

Sometimes you run across a little nugget on the internet—a graphic, a video, a quote, whatever—that you find yourself continuing to reference, show people, or send people again and again. I have a few nuggets like these marked as favorites in the photos app on my phone. They...

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Spurring Action Without Authority: Let the "Why" Drive the "What" inspiration pain points Jul 19, 2024

About 2 months ago, I got a promotion. I’m now Manager of Project Management, or in industry vernacular, the full-fledged leader of my company’s PMO (project management office).

I am very grateful for this opportunity, and I’m looking forward to having a larger impact on my...

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Project Managers Can Change the World inspiration Jul 12, 2024

Did anyone else want to change the world when they grew up?

Maybe this dream was top-of-mind and you talked about it with family and friends. Maybe it was hidden under layers of shame, fear, or self-doubt…but you knew it was there and what it was.

I seem to have fared better than most when...

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People: This is the way. inspiration pain points people Jan 05, 2024

I was talking to a peer mentor the other day, and she was giving me some great food for thought on simple ways to add data to project reports. As I complimented her approaches, she told me that out of all the parts of her job, manipulating project data comes easily to her—but project team...

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Why I'm Grateful for My Career in Project Management inspiration Nov 24, 2023

At the PMI Global Summit about a month ago, I attended a session by Erica Jorde and Maia Hyary of JBS International about helping people who already work at your company see their potential to grow into project management roles, and creating a clear and supported pathway for them to transition to...

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Why Projects and Project Leaders Matter inspiration Nov 03, 2023

I love being a project manager because I see it as so much more than a job. As I’ve discussed before, it feels like a set of superpowers that makes me a borderline superhero. But these fantastical terms are really a metaphor for the tremendous down-to-earth value we as project leaders...

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Project Managers are Superheroes inspiration philosophy Oct 09, 2023

You are a superhero. 

Do you believe that?

Of course, we could get into the nuance of what ‘being a superhero’ can mean for a real human person in the 21st century—and trust me, I love nuance. Often nuance is where I find the insight I need to move forward. “The...

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