
Is a Project Manager a Glorified Secretary? pain points philosophy Mar 15, 2024

I was chatting with a friend whose role is transforming more and more into a project-management-type role. Occasionally, even as somebody with the responsibilities of a project manager, she feels confined to tasks such as scheduling meetings for others that are traditionally associated with an...

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Good Project Managers Teach Project Management to Coworkers people philosophy Feb 16, 2024

This blog was inspired by this post on Reddit, and is an expansion on the comment I wrote in response.

So you’re a project manager. Do you also think of yourself as an educator?

In my nearly 8 years as a project manager, I’ve had mounting experiences that show me I will be a more...

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What is a RACI Chart, and How Do I Use It on Real Projects? concepts philosophy Jan 26, 2024

A RACI chart, or RACI matrix, is a tool used in project management to track the people involved or invested in your project (your "stakeholders"), and particularly what is expected of each person and when they need information. It’s a term you’ll likely come across while studying for...

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Be Off When You're Off pain points philosophy Dec 29, 2023

What does time off work look like for you? Does your company encourage you to take all your vacation time, support you in totally unplugging when you’re off, and maybe even offer sabbaticals? Is your company on the other end of the spectrum, rewarding employees who don’t use their...

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The Value of a Kickoff concepts philosophy Dec 01, 2023

Do your projects include a kickoff meeting or another type of kickoff experience? Out of all the elements of a process for our projects that we’ve tried at my current company, we’ve been able to drive the widest adoption of kickoff meetings.

If you work at an organization that has...

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3 Reasons to Wait to Respond people philosophy Oct 27, 2023

Today, I’d like to share a project manager pro tip with you…I didn’t learn it until year 6 or so, and there’s no reason you need to wait that long.

Here it is:

Don’t always respond to everyone right away.

What?? Why not? Isn’t it a huge part of my job to...

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Project Managers are Superheroes inspiration philosophy Oct 09, 2023

You are a superhero. 

Do you believe that?

Of course, we could get into the nuance of what ‘being a superhero’ can mean for a real human person in the 21st century—and trust me, I love nuance. Often nuance is where I find the insight I need to move forward. “The...

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