
Why I'm Grateful for My Career in Project Management inspiration Nov 24, 2023

At the PMI Global Summit about a month ago, I attended a session by Erica Jorde and Maia Hyary of JBS International about helping people who already work at your company see their potential to grow into project management roles, and creating a clear and supported pathway for them to transition to...

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Why Projects and Project Leaders Matter inspiration Nov 03, 2023

I love being a project manager because I see it as so much more than a job. As I’ve discussed before, it feels like a set of superpowers that makes me a borderline superhero. But these fantastical terms are really a metaphor for the tremendous down-to-earth value we as project leaders...

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Project Managers are Superheroes inspiration philosophy Oct 09, 2023

You are a superhero. 

Do you believe that?

Of course, we could get into the nuance of what ‘being a superhero’ can mean for a real human person in the 21st century—and trust me, I love nuance. Often nuance is where I find the insight I need to move forward. “The...

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